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Thursday Throwback Time!


Thursday Throwback Time!

Next time you are in Dunstable see if you can spot this one!

We're proud to look back at our award-winning 75-bedroom dementia care home designed for @QuantumCare. Situated on a 1.25-acre parcel as part of a mixed-use regeneration masterplan in Dunstable, this project showcases our dedication to thoughtful and impactful design.

RDT Architects led the feasibility and planning stages for this purpose-built home, featuring a vibrant communal hub with a café/bistro, hair salon, shops, and care support facilities. The residential wings are divided into household groups of 7 to 9 residents, fostering a sense of ownership and offering varying levels of privacy and choice.

We continued our involvement as design advisors during construction and were appointed by the main contractor for detailed design services.

Honoured to have received the Pinders Healthcare Awards’ “Best New Care Home - Elderly” and the Dementia Care Awards’ “Best Dementia Care Home.”

#RIBA #Architects #RDTArchitects #Planning #Design #Construction #Collaboration #CareHomes #CareHomeEnvironments #Nursing #Dementia #Dunstable #Beds #AwardWinning #Pinders

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